Kuinka valitset jodofooripyyhkeiden ja alkoholipyyhkeiden välillä?


Kuinka valitset jodofooripyyhkeiden ja alkoholipyyhkeiden välillä?

Jokapäiväisessä elämässä on väistämättä kolhuja ja mustelmia; naarmut, leikkaukset ja muut traumaattiset vammat ovat myös yleisempiä, erityisesti lapsiperheissä. Monissa perheissä on pieni lääkepakkaus, jossa on ulkoiset desinfiointipyyhkeet hätätilanteessa näiden onnettomuuksien hoitamiseksi.

Niitä käytetään yleisestijodipyyhkeetjaalkoholipyyhkeet;

miten valitset ne?Katsotaanpa, mikä ero on.

Desinfiointiaineet Tyyppi ominaisuudet Tuhoamisobjekti Käyttöalue Periaate Varoitus Säilytys
Jodofori (povidoni-jodi) Keskivaikutteinen desinfiointiaine Alhainen myrkyllisyys, nopea vaikutus, hyvä vakaus, vähäinen ärsytys Tappaa erilaisia ​​bakteereja, itiöitä, viruksia, sieniä jne. Limakalvot, iho (palovammat, viillot, paleltumat, palovammat, mustelmat, hankaumat jne.) Release of iodinejabactericidal effect On kiellettyä jakaa punaisen juoma (punainen elohopea); käytä varoen, jos olet allerginen jodille. Use up within 48 hours after opening, seven days after opening in case of timelyjaairtight use
75% alkoholia Keskivaikutteinen desinfiointiaine Myrkytön, nopeavaikutteinen, helposti haihtuva Tappaa monenlaisia ​​mikro-organismeja Intact skin (broken skinjamucous membranes should not be used) Causes bacterial proteins to coagulatejadie Use with caution if you are allergic to alcohol, usejastore away from fire Käytä loppuun ajoissa avaamisen jälkeen

Alcohol swabs

Alcohol is a commonly used disinfectant, but too high or too low concentration can not be used for disinfectionjasterilization. Too high a concentration of alcohol will form a protective film on the surface of the bacteria, preventing it from entering the bacteriajamaking it difficult to kill the bacteria completely; on the contrary, too low a concentration of alcohol can enter the bacteria but cannot coagulate the proteins in the bacteria, which also cannot kill the bacteria completely. Therefore, only 75% of alcohol is suitable for disinfectionjasterilization, which we call medical drinking. It is generally not used on wounds with epidermal defects because of the pain caused by its irritating properties.

Iodoform is a combination of iodinejapolyvinylpyrrolidone in an aqueous solution to form povidone-iodine. The element iodine itself plays a bactericidal rolejacan be used for disinfection of skinjamucous membranes, as well as for general trauma such as burns, burns, frostbite, cuts, scrapes,jacontusions. Because it dissolves in waterjanot alcohol, it is less irritating, but it does not penetrate grease easily, so it is not as good as alcohol for disinfection of oily scalpjaother greasy parts. Unlike iodine (tincture of iodine), iodophor is less irritating to woundsjais more widely used in medicaljahousehold settings. However, it should be noted that it should not be used together with red saline (red mercury), as it will precipitate mercury iodide, which is a highly toxic substancejacan lead to mercury poisoning when used in large quantities. When injecting insulin, choose 75% alcohol to disinfect the skin; because insulin is a protein, iodine will affect the activity of insulinjathus affect the absorption, which is not conducive to the management of blood sugar, while alcohol is easy to evaporatejahas little effect.

Now that we know some of the differences between alkoholipyyhkeetjajodipyyhkeet, will you use disinfectant swabs correctly? There are several points that we need to pay attention to. Firstly, the swab should be applied from the middle of the wound to all around, rotating while applying,jasecondly, the used swab should not be dipped back into the medicine bottle to avoid contaminating the medicine. Finally, remind us that when the wound is a relatively large or serious situation, to go to the hospital to let the doctor deal with it.

Maysino wholesale medical alkoholipyyhkeet can also produce alcohol pads, cured alcohol prep pads, alcohol prep pads target, sterile alcohol prep pads, security alcohol prep pads; 

ota yhteyttä, jos tarvitset apua.

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